Initially used in clinics for lithotripsy, shockwave therapy has also proven effective in the past two decades for treating delayed or non-healing fractures. Shockwave utilizes high-energy shockwaves to stimulate bone regeneration, reduce pain, and promote faster recovery. As medical researchers delve deeper into this technology, a crucial question emerges: What is the right shockwave protocol for enhanced bone healing?

Bone Healing and Shockwave Therapy

Bone healing is a complex process that involves the interaction of various cells, growth factors, and signalling pathways. When a bone is fractured, the body initiates a series of events to repair the damage, culminating in the formation of new bone tissue. However, certain factors can impede this process, leading to delayed healing or non-union fractures. This is where shockwave therapy comes into play. Research has shown that shockwave therapy can significantly enhance bone healing by promoting angiogenesis, increasing blood flow to the injured area, and stimulating the production of growth factors and osteogenic cells. These effects create an optimal environment for bone regeneration and repair, making shockwave therapy a more worthwhile option compared to traditional bone healing methods.

The Right Shockwave Protocol for Enhanced Bone Healing

To fully leverage the potential of shockwave therapy for bone healing, it’s crucial to follow the correct protocol. Here’s a comprehensive outline of the optimal shockwave protocol for enhanced bone healing:

1.  Patient Factors and Timing of Intervention

The patient’s individual characteristics also play a role in determining the optimal shockwave protocol. Factors such as age, overall health, and underlying medical conditions can influence how the body responds to shockwaves. A personalized approach that accounts for these variables can enhance the chances of successful bone healing.

2.  Application and Treatment Parameters

The success of shockwave therapy highly depends upon the treatment protocols and their optimal parameters. A critical aspect is looking into factors such as energy flux density, shockwave intensity, frequency, and pressure to ensure optimal therapeutic effects. Typically, the energy flux density determines the intensity of shockwaves. Studies have explored different energy levels to find the sweet spot for maximum healing. When treating different conditions, the energy flux levels can be set at different levels for enhanced bone healing. Usually, high and low EFD levels can minimize discomfort and lead to more pronounced therapeutic results in patients.

3.  Timing And Treatment Frequency

Apart from energy levels, the timing of shockwave therapy also plays a crucial role in its success.

It is believed that early intervention can enhance the likelihood of successful bone healing. A study on the enhancement of bone repair talks about scaphoid fractures and emphasizes the importance of early treatment, with shockwave therapy resulting in substantial bone consolidation in just a few months. Another research suggests that patients experienced remarkable success rates within a range of 8-10 weeks following shockwave treatments. Notably, multiple other studies indicate that, with time, shockwave therapy can lead to better treatment outcomes, and repeated sessions contribute to further improvement and enhanced healing.

Understanding Shockwave Therapy

Among non-surgical options, extracorporeal shockwave treatment has emerged as a reliable and effective non-invasive modality accepted by clinicians. By leveraging the power of shock waves, medical professionals can accelerate bone regeneration, promote angiogenesis, and stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms. The right shockwave protocol, tailored to each patient’s needs, can bring about tangible improvements in bone healing outcomes. 

The Masterpuls Ultra MP50, MP100 and MP200 are advanced devices that streamline shockwave therapy. This Masterpuls series offers a range of options featuring different energy levels and adaptability, allowing doctors to treat various conditions.

Visit our website to learn more about the shockwave devices.