Many athletes and runners share the pain of muscle stiffness. This not only affects the quality of life, but as time goes by, the situation can get worse if left untreated. Age, weight, and psychological pain history are some factors that might cause extreme pain for a lot of patients.

But as winter approaches and your body starts to adapt to the cold weather and tries to regulate your internal temperature, muscle contraction increases, and oxygen supply to your muscles decreases, leading to muscle pain or stiffness. This means that any condition that may be bearable at the start can turn into painful and unbearable during winters.

Various Benefits of Using Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is beneficial for patients with painful soft tissue, joints, and bone conditions. Due to its healing and non-invasive properties, a high number of patients consider this treatment option for various musculoskeletal conditions.

The study by J. Clin Orthop Trauma discusses shockwave therapy’s role in musculoskeletal health. Cold-induced muscle stiffness often leads to discomfort, and the healing properties of shockwaves make it an effective method for managing such symptoms. Shockwave offers relief from the pain associated with various musculoskeletal conditions by directly acting on nerve fibres. Some positive effects include:

Long-term muscle stiffness can turn into joint discomfort and issues related to cartilage health. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2020, the shockwave promoted chondroprotection through tissue regeneration and protein biosynthesis.

A controlled laboratory study by Vetrano et al.’s work was discussed, and the study talked about how shockwaves have regenerative properties by preventing the breakdown of collagen and promoting the production of collagen type 1. These studies have shown that shockwave therapy has been linked to the creation of important proteins to support the healing of joint tissues.

These growth factors help maintain cartilage integrity. Shockwave therapy is also known for its analgesic effects or pain relief. It does this by targeting nerve fibres and triggering a system that helps reduce pain signals. This can be helpful for people with conditions like osteoarthritis, which provides them relief from constant discomfort.

On the other hand, chronic joint discomfort often involves inflammation. Shockwaves can help with long-lasting joint pain by changing certain types of cells in the body, particularly from pro-inflammatory (M1) to anti-inflammatory (M2). This can lead to a decrease in inflammation in patients suffering from muscle pain.


Shockwave therapy has shown promise in managing osteoarthritis and different types of tendinopathies, especially in cases where traditional treatments have limited success. For more information, visit