They say that when the US sneezes, Canada catches a cold. So, if the United States is expected to have a significant uptick in low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy, then usage in Canada will increase, too.

According to the article Shock Wave Therapy Devices Market Size to Exceed USD 158.5 Million by 2031, the global rise in the use of shockwave therapy is led by North America, specifically the United States, and driven by an aging population.

“Shock wave treatment devices market revenue is increasing due to an expanding geriatric population pool and its consequent rise in demand for enhanced senior care,” says the report.

With the growing demand for shockwave therapy, Storz Shockwave Therapy Machines capture 73% of this market.

Physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors and other clinicians can learn from this trend to prepare for future proofing Canadian healthcare.

Understanding the Surge in Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment recognized for successfully managing various musculoskeletal conditions. It’s highly effective in treating common injuries such as plantar fasciitis, jumper’s knee, hamstring pain, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, and back pain.

Shockwave therapy is especially beneficial for seniors dealing with arthritis, diabetes, and tendinopathy. Studies show significant improvements that help seniors sustain healthy lifestyles and continue with daily activities, including standing, walking, and descending stairs.

Demand for Shockwave therapy is up in the US primarily because of an aging population and increased awareness of non-invasive treatment options. Seniors seek personalized, unique treatment therapies and ways to avoid invasive surgeries and heal faster.

Implications for Canadian Healthcare Providers

There are many similarities between the US and Canadian healthcare systems, namely that both countries have competent medical professionals offering top-quality healthcare services. Both are also leaders in clinical research.

While both countries have good health outcomes, the US has the worst health outcomes overall of any high-income nation, and while Canada’s healthcare system ranked 10th overall in a recent Commonwealth Fund study, the US ranked last.

Canadians take pride in our universal healthcare system, where all citizens receive coverage for primary care, and no legal resident is denied access to care.

As Canada’s population ages, there will be an increased demand for healthcare services and, as in the US, alternative therapies such as shockwave.

Part of future proofing Canadian healthcare means that healthcare providers stay up to date with emerging treatment modalities to meet this population’s evolving needs.

Challenges and Opportunities

Challenges to adopting Shockwave therapy in Canada include regulatory considerations and reimbursement issues. Clinicians who wish to bring shockwave machines into their practice need to look at integrating Shockwave therapy into their existing workflows and educating staff and patients.

But the opportunities are endless. Shockwave therapy can treat a broad spectrum of aches and pains and provides an opportunity for enhanced patient care and outcomes.

Final Thoughts

The Shockwave devices market is set to boom as the population ages and seniors demand enhanced care. Staying ahead of healthcare trends and exploring the potential of Shockwave therapy is part of future proofing Canadian healthcare. With the US about to go big with shockwave, wouldn’t you prefer to be ready?

Shockwave Canada provides the most efficient shockwave technology preferred by most professionals worldwide. This is because our product is the most reliable and has the greatest outcomes.

Curious to learn more about Shockwave Canada? Visit our website for detailed information and expert guidance.