Animals, like humans, are not immune to injury. As a veterinarian, you’ve likely encountered several lesser-known animal injuries. But did you know some of these injuries can be effectively treated with shockwave therapy? Shockwave therapy, whether for humans or our animal companions, is a non-invasive treatment method that has been growing in popularity since the mid-90s.

This innovative technology works by accelerating the healing process in the body. This is achieved by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Shockwave treatments deliver strong energy pulses that are applied to the affected area for short periods of time. It works by producing an acoustic pressure wave that is transmitted to the body’s tissue. This stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing.

Within veterinary medicine, evidence supports shockwave therapy treatments for horses and small animals such as dogs. It can treat conditions such as tendon and ligament injuries, bone and wound healing, osteoarthritis, and chronic pain.

Horses are particularly prone to injury. Luckily, shockwave therapy has been proven to aid in recover for these common equine injuries:

  • Bowed tendons
  • Suspensory ligament injuries
  • Stress fractures
  • Splint bone fractures
  • Bone spavin
  • Navicular syndrome
  • Vertebral spinal pain/kissing spine
  • Sacro-iliac conditions (Hunter Bumps)
  • Back pain
  • Bucked shins

Specific injuries treatable by shockwave therapy in small animals, such as cats and dogs, include:

Osteoarthritis-A large proportion of pets are affected by osteoarthritis, causing significant pain and discomfort. Approximately one in five dogs are affected by arthritis, and studies have demonstrated that 60% to 90% of cats have some degree of arthritis visible on X-rays. Shockwave therapy has been shown to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the treatment of elbow osteoarthritis in dogs.

TPLO-Shockwave therapy has been shown to speed bone healing, increase limb use, and decrease patellar tendon inflammation following TPLO surgery for CCL rupture in dogs.

Back pain-Shockwave therapy effectively treats some forms of back pain. One study demonstrated that 87% of pet patients had a positive outcome, and 77% showed results in one week.

Fractures-Studies have demonstrated that shockwave therapy helps bones heal faster and is especially useful in helping delayed and non-union fractures.

Tendon and ligament injuries-Shockwave Therapy reduces the pain that accompanies tendon and ligament injuries, such as cranial cruciate ligament rupture, supraspinatus tenosynovitis, and biceps and Achilles tendon injuries. This modality can promote tendon and ligament healing and improve functionality.

Joint injuries-Injuries affecting a pet’s hip, elbow, stifle, and shoulder can benefit from shockwave therapy.

Benefits of shockwave therapy machines include:

  • Lightweight and ergonomic
  • Pressure settings for different injuries
  • Easy to administer
  • Low-servicing cost
  • Treats a variety of common injuries for equine and animal health
  • Non-Invasive

Portable shockwave machines are ideal for treating animals as they are lightweight, allowing you to treat animals comfortably in their home or at your clinic. Importantly, you can take these machines “on the go” wherever your services are needed. Shockwave therapy is easy to administer with the proper tools and training. This means even veterinary technicians and non-equine professionals can perform shockwave therapy, making it an effective and convenient injury treatment.

For more information about shockwave therapy, or for inquiries related to purchasing a Storz Shockwave Therapy Machine, please visit: