There’s nothing like the majestic, muscular beauty of a horse galloping across a field or jumping in an equestrian event. The flip side is the devastation of loss when time and motion stop due to an equine injury.

Fortunately, veterinary shockwave therapy can promote healing and alleviate pain in small and large animals, including horses.

Acoustic waves treat deep, target areas, while pneumatically generated radial pressure waves help address superficial disorders.

Shockwave therapy helps heal a vast spectrum of equine issues, including tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, stress fractures and degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis. Other conditions it can treat include sesamoiditis, ring bone, and back pain. It can also help treat muscles, heal wounds, and alleviate issues around scar tissue.

Getting Horses Back Up to Speed

By addressing symptoms and the root causes of various musculoskeletal conditions, shockwave treatment for horses helps horses heal faster and spend less time in recovery.

Here are a few critical ways in which shockwave therapy can help equines heal musculoskeletal problems, as well as soft-tissue and bone injuries:

Pain Reduction: Shockwave therapy can help alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal injuries by targeting and desensitizing pain receptors in affected tissues, leading to increased comfort and improved mobility during healing.

Promotion of Healing: Shockwave treatment for horses stimulates an animal’s natural healing processes by promoting increased blood flow and the production of growth factors in damaged tissues, which can accelerate the repair of injured tissues, including tendons, ligaments, and bones.

Reduction of Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory effects of shockwave therapy help reduce swelling and inflammation in injured areas, creating a more conducive environment for healing.

Stimulation of Collagen Production: Shockwave therapy stimulates the production of collagen, which can enhance the strength and elasticity of connective tissues and aid in a horse’s healing process.

Improved Range of Motion: By targeting areas of stiffness and scar tissue formation, shockwave treatment for horses can help improve range of motion and flexibility, leading to a smoother and more complete recovery.

Final Thoughts

Shockwave therapy is an effective and non-invasive modality that allows horses to return to their full performance potential more quickly and with less downtime.

By adding shockwave therapy to your veterinary practice, you will provide unique and practical solutions that will enhance the care of your equine patients and the success of your practice.

Curious to learn more about Shockwave Canada? Visit our website for detailed information and expert guidance.