I have had the Storz Pulse Activated Therapy (Extracorporeal Shockwave) device for almost two years. In that time, I have treated numerous patients for various foot ailments. While I have had many cases with positive outcomes, one in particular stands out.
One female patient in her mid-60’s suffered with bilateral Achilles tendonitis for approximately eight years. Multiple previous conservative therapies had failed – tears were pouring down her cheeks as she recounted her miserable history. She was unable to walk a step without pain and going down stairs was a nightmare.
After three weekly treatments with the tissue regenerator, she improved immensely. Within two months, she could stand, walk and go up and down stairs pain-free for the first time in eight years. She left my office with tears of joy (this time) and gave me hug. She was so grateful to be active again.
As I mentioned earlier, this is only one of many successful cases in using the tissue regenerator. I have had over a 95% success rate in treating plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. While both conditions have such a high success rate, I have found that patients with Achilles tendonapathy usually notice improvement sooner (average 3 weeks) than patients suffering from plantar fasciitis (average 5-6 weeks).
I highly recommend this device to all of my colleagues. When used for the appropriate indications, overall conservative treatment time is drastically reduced. This translates to immeasurable patient satisfaction. It is a great feeling to see people regain their active lifestyle once they become symptom-free.